The construction itself was simple - For the walls i used the small parapets from the GW COD box (I had some left over from another building). The tiled floor was simply cardstock cut in to sections.
For the statues base i cast the packet from a battery using basic plaster, then set the guardsman atop it (Its actually a model of a US Marine from a modern day combat skirmish game that i picked up at last years salute, and id been wondering what to do with it! - The scale was a bit big to use as an actual guardsman, but the pose was perfect for the statue). To form the fountain base i cut a piece of plastic piping to the right height and then topped it with a circle of card cut using compass cutters. Finally i packed out the inside edge of the fountain with more plaster.
Once I had finished the construction it was undercoated in GW black and then airbrushed with cold grey and then stonewall grey. The ground was given a coat of Vallejo "Earth" and the tiles with Vallejo "Gore Red" and "Charred Brown" mixed 50:50. The "water" in the fountain was painted with various Vallejo Blues and greens (I mixed up a big batch of different colours and then just dabbed them in place, letting the colours bleed in to each other whilst still wet). Once all the paint was dry i put a layer of "Summer grass" and "Blasted Turf" static grass on to some areas of the earth section. I wanted to give the impression of a lawn that was once well cared for but which was now dried out and burned.
Finally once everything else was dry i put a very thin layer of GW water effect in the fountain.
You can see the results below.